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Write to a Contract with writeContractAsync button

This recipe shows how to implement a button that allows users to interact with a smart contract by executing the writeContractAsync function returned by useScaffoldWriteContract. By following this guide, you can create a user interface for writing data to a contract.

Here is the full code, which we will be implementing in the guide below:
import { useState } from "react";
import { parseEther } from "viem";
import { useScaffoldWriteContract } from "~~/hooks/scaffold-eth";

export const Greetings = () => {
const [newGreeting, setNewGreeting] = useState("");

const { writeContractAsync, isPending } = useScaffoldWriteContract("YourContract");

const writeContractAsyncWithParams = () =>
functionName: "setGreeting",
args: [newGreeting],
value: parseEther("0.01"),
onBlockConfirmation: txnReceipt => {
console.log("๐Ÿ“ฆ Transaction blockHash", txnReceipt.blockHash);

return (
placeholder="Write your greeting"
className="input border border-primary"
onChange={e => setNewGreeting(}
className="btn btn-primary"
onClick={async () => await writeContractAsyncWithParams()}
{isPending ? <span className="loading loading-spinner loading-sm"></span> : <>Send</>}


Step 1: Set Up Your Componentโ€‹

Create a new component in the "components" folder. This component will enable users to write data to a smart contract.

export const Greetings = () => {
return (
<input type="text" placeholder="Write your greeting" className="input border border-primary" />

Step 2: Initialize useScaffoldWriteContract hookโ€‹

Initialize the useScaffoldWriteContract hook to set up the contract interaction. This hook provides the writeContractAsync function for sending transactions, and we'll create writeContractAsyncWithParams to pass the parameters to it.

import { useState } from "react";
import { parseEther } from "viem";
import { useScaffoldWriteContract } from "~~/hooks/scaffold-eth";

export const Greetings = () => {
const { writeContractAsync } = useScaffoldWriteContract("YourContract");

const writeContractAsyncWithParams = () =>
functionName: "setGreeting",
args: [newGreeting],
value: parseEther("0.01"),
onBlockConfirmation: txnReceipt => {
console.log("๐Ÿ“ฆ Transaction blockHash", txnReceipt.blockHash);
return (
<input type="text" placeholder="Write your greeting" className="input border border-primary" />

Step 3: Add input change logic and send transaction when users click the buttonโ€‹

Design the user interface to allow users to input data and trigger the contract interaction. The example below demonstrates a simple form:

import { useState } from "react";
import { parseEther } from "viem";
import { useScaffoldWriteContract } from "~~/hooks/scaffold-eth";

export const Greetings = () => {
const [newGreeting, setNewGreeting] = useState("");

const { writeContractAsync } = useScaffoldWriteContract("YourContract");

const writeContractAsyncWithParams = () =>
functionName: "setGreeting",
args: [newGreeting],
value: parseEther("0.01"),
onBlockConfirmation: txnReceipt => {
console.log("๐Ÿ“ฆ Transaction blockHash", txnReceipt.blockHash);

return (
placeholder="Write your greeting"
className="input border border-primary"
onChange={e => setNewGreeting(}
className="btn btn-primary"
onClick={async () => await writeContractAsyncWithParams()}

Step 4: Bonus adding loading stateโ€‹

We can use isPending returned from useScaffoldWriteContract while the transaction is being mined and also disable the button.

import { useState } from "react";
import { parseEther } from "viem";
import { useScaffoldWriteContract } from "~~/hooks/scaffold-eth";

export const Greetings = () => {
const [newGreeting, setNewGreeting] = useState("");
const { writeContractAsync, isPending } = useScaffoldWriteContract("YourContract");

const writeContractAsyncWithParams = () =>
functionName: "setGreeting",
args: [newGreeting],
value: parseEther("0.01"),
onBlockConfirmation: txnReceipt => {
console.log("๐Ÿ“ฆ Transaction blockHash", txnReceipt.blockHash);

return (
placeholder="Write your greeting"
className="input border border-primary"
onChange={e => setNewGreeting(}

className="btn btn-primary"
onClick={async () => await writeContractAsyncWithParams()}
{isPending ? <span className="loading loading-spinner loading-sm"></span> : <>Send</>}

You can also create a writeContractAsync button sending args imperatively, here is an example:

className="btn btn-primary"
onClick={async () =>
await writeContractAsync(
contractName: "YourContract",
functionName: "setGreeting",
args: [newGreeting],
value: parseEther("0.01"),
onBlockConfirmation: txnReceipt => {
console.log("๐Ÿ“ฆ Transaction blockHash", txnReceipt.blockHash);
{isPending ? <span className="loading loading-spinner loading-sm"></span> : <>Send Imperatively</>}